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Vivienne Westwood transcends seasons with her distinctive style and iconic apparel, instantly recognizable for its nod to punk. Ever since her days at the forefront of the Punk movement, her work has never ceased to be bold, cutting-edge, and consistently reflective of her passion to help save and heal our planet.  Merging high fashion style with ready-to-wear pieces, Vivienne Westwood clothing combines iconic styles with traditional fabrics and techniques.  The instantly recognizable Vivienne Westwood Hermes Replica Handbags will make you fall in love with fashion all over again. The new African Collection has been produced in collaboration with the Ethical Fashion Initiative of the International Trade Centre, an organization that supports the work of thousands of women from marginalized African communities.

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The designs are created using recycled canvas, reused roadside banners, unused leather off-cuts, and recycled brass; they are made in one of Nairobi’s biggest slums, where discarded padlocks and car pieces are collected then melted down. These truly are “Handmade with Love.” The African Collection, along with her new environmental initiative, the Climate Revolution, proves Vivienne is still capable of raising conscience inside the fashion world.